Category: Hanga | Create

toran 2. How tall am I?

I am learning to accrately measure length and convert between units my highligth is finding how tall 146 cm tall I am lowligth is being small.

The Hitch-hiker with nate

In miami  (Cowboy Music) we went to the movie, the hitchhiker stole some sweets and Popcorn and and both of them ran into the movie.

Hitchhiker: I need to go to the loo

Narrator: Okay, be fast !

But the hitchhiker went to steal money for the cash register and he comes bake with a 1000$

Narrator: where did you get that money 

Hitchhiker: in the loo where did you think I got it

Narrator: are you sure that you got it for the loo 

Hitchhiker: of course I did just watch the movie.                      

Narrator: Okay, I believe you !   

The end.    

task description: this is a play it is about two men that go to the movie in miami it is bastoff the book for Roald Dahl the name of the book is the hicthhiker read this then go read the book the hicth-hiker.


this trem my group did a play I injoyed my play a bet but over all I think we all could do better I think if my group and me stop being silly if we properly did the work but we sill did good but i know we could’ve done better for the play if we had another chance I would do better.