Day: June 21, 2023

Global Warming – Response to Text

Global Warming


Think carefully about each question, and use evidence from the texts to support your conclusions. Write your answers in full sentences, and use explanations and examples where needed.


Surface Level: Find the Answer in the Text

  1. What is global warming?


Global warming is when ice is starting to mount when we do not have that much ice  


  1. What are greenhouse gases?


Greenhouse gases are gases out that are out of the atmosphere that keep hot air in  


  1. How does global warming affect the temperature and weather?


Lost of sea ice 


Inference: Use Clues from the Text to Think of an Answer

  1. How do you think does global warming causes sea levels to rise?


melting ice is making the ocean rise 


  1. What do you think could be the consequences of extreme weather for humans and animals?


Flooding is a big risk for us and other living things   


  1. How do you think global warming affects the survival of different species and the food chain?


Losing habitat are a big risk


Unfamiliar Words: Clarifying Language that may cause Misunderstanding


Word Sentence from the text Definition 
Biodiversity Where we live 
  • the variety of plant and animal life in the world or in a particular habitat, a high level of which is usually considered to be important and desirable.
Renewable Solpanel energy for the sun  energy
Sustainable ensample able to be maintained at a certain rate or level
Environment Where we live  the conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives


Global Inferencing: Making Connections between the Text and the Wider World


Imagine you are living on a small Pacific Island, and you notice the sea level rising. You have to act quickly in order to save your village from the rising water. What do you do?


You can write a narrative or an explanation to describe what you would do.


I would live in the trees and that would make me safe and grab a lot of  bananas.